Monday, October 10, 2011


One of the fundamentals in baking cannabis is how to extract the THC from the marijuana. Some people perfer butter instead of oil but i will cover that in a later post.

First you will need
1. a very small dish ( i would reccomend using a cupcake pan and using the holes in it)
2. As much marijuana as you would like to use
3. Canola oil (or anything like it)
4. An oven
5. A strainer
6. A Tupperware container (For storage purposes)

Step by step instructions
1. Turn the oven on to 350 degrees.
2. Take the marijuana and put some in the cupcake pan ( fill each cupcake spot 1/4 full untill you've used all the marijuana)
3. Pour Canola oil into the each of the cupcake sections with marijuana in them. It is important to not fill it full. Put just enough canola oil to cover the marijuana this will make the oil much more potent and achieve better and longer lasting results.
4. Set the pan in the oven for approximatly 25-30 minutes untill the oil has acheived a darker red tint.
5. Strain out the canna-oil into a container (you can just throw the marijuana away it)

Thats how you get canna-oil It works wonders for cakes and brownies in which the recipe calls for a cup of Canola oil. You just put your canna-oil in and you have yourself some delicious deserts. Also you could mix it in with a shake or smoothie to achieve the same results

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